A relationship with God is an ACTIVE one. Just like any friendship, it requires work! Kids are just now learning the importance of prioritizing their faith and the discipline it requires, but we understand it isn’t always their favorite thing on their to-do list.
A child’s faith should NEVER be built on their works, but we understand practice and persistence is key to a thriving spiritual life.
Our goal is to come alongside you, parents, and create fun activities centered in God’s Word your child will be motivated to complete! Listed below are the ongoing activities we have available for your children in Lamar Kids.
Try one out and see what you think!
Bible Buddies (KIDBOP – Kindergarten)
Every year, our preschoolers and kindergarteners get a few key ticket items:
- A Brand new Preschool Bible
- A Bible Buddy who needs to be fed daily – the diet of God’s Word!
Our Bible Buddy Program is our way to encourage preschoolers to read their Bible with their families and to provide a friend who can make reading a little less scary. After all, it is a lot more fun if your new stuffy best friend likes to hear you read God’s Word in your brand new Bible!
These Bible buddies are our preschoolers’ forever friend to keep – and is one of our family’s favorite events of the year!

Weekly Reading Bookmarks (KIDBOP – Kindergarten)
To complement our Bible Buddy Program, our KIDBOPPERS are given a Weekly Bible Reading Challenge on Sundays to be completed and turned in the following Sunday.
These bookmarks have a few pages for families to read together each night in the Preschool Bibles we provide (along with their Bible Buddy, of course). If they complete their bookmark, they will get in the goodie box!

Monthly Challenges (1st-5th Grade)
“Bible literacy creates Bible intimacy.”
lbc kids core value #2

Our Monthly Challenge is our most popular Children’s Church activity!
Monthly Challenges incentives kids to get in their Bible daily. They also encourage discipleship opportunities for parents by talking about the verse each day.
Kids receive a new Monthly Challenge the first Sunday of every month and must be turned in the first Sunday of the following month in Children’s Church.
To successfully complete a Monthly Challenge:
- Write every Bible verse listed on the Monthly Challenge on a piece of paper/in a notebook.
- For instance, on August 1st, I would write Philippians 1:6 down, then I would be done for the day. (But if you get behind, it is okay to do more than one!)
- Once you have finished the entire month’s set of verses, a parent/guardian MUST sign off that their child has completed the challenge!
- Turn in your Monthly Challenge WITH a parent signature and the written Bible verses by the due date!
Prizes: pool parties, Alley Cats, roller skating, movie field trips, gift cards, squish mallows, and more!
Prizes also include a star sticker for their star chart.
Weekly Challenge (1st-5th Grade)

Our Weekly Challenge provides our parents an opportunity to engage with their kids about the Children’s Church lesson and help them apply the lesson to their lives. These activities take only a few minutes a week and cultivate discipleship within our families.
Weekly Challenges are give out on Sunday mornings and are due the following Sunday. Children receive a star sticker for their star chart when completed and turned in.
Star Chart (1st-5th Grade)

Children work hard for an ULTIMATE prize!
All children who attend Lamar Kids can find their name in the Children’s Church room on our Star Chart. Here, they are able to earn prizes of increasing interest as they accumulate stars over a certain period, typically 3-4 months. Kids enjoy a sense of pride as they watch themselves accomplish milestones on their star chart.
Children are able to collect stars by:
- Completing the Monthly Challenge
- Completing the Weekly Challenge
- Memorizing the Monthly Memory Verse
- and spontaneous surprise opportunities!
Leadership Team (5th Graders Only, Time Varies)

Our 5th grade leadership program focuses on the third core value in Lamar Kids Ministry, which states:
“It doesn’t matter how much you know. It matters how much you live.“
LBC Kids Core value #3
Our 5th graders – the top dogs of Lamar Kids Ministry – are challenged to take the servant heart of Philippians 2:3-4 and apply it to their own lives through a host of opportunities we provide throughout the year.

From service projects to advanced, leader-focused Bible studies, our preteens are prepared to find their role in the church body and to continue discovering the skills God has gifted them for His Kingdom.